Bezzera Duo DE Volumetric Coffee Machine

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The Bezzera Duo DE coffee machine is one of a kind. A premium dual boiler coffee machine designed for small coffee outlets where volumetric control is a necessity.  Featuring automatic backflush, and automatic turning on/off amongst a number of other features, this is a the perfect solution for a busy environment where bench space is at a premium and volumetric control is a necessity.

Make no mistake. This is an espresso machine that will create a buzz with your guests – if you like entertaining, this is the coffee machine for you!

Featuring a 1 litre steam boiler and 0.45 litre brew boiler, the Bezzera Duo makes short work of stretching micro-foam milk to perfection and allows you to brew shot after exquisite shot with ease.  Machine is available in a manual version with an E61 Head or volumetric with Bezzera’s proprietary head.

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